under construction <3

quality over opinion every time
fads die, realness stays forever in the universe
becoming the warm microwave background
hugging the hot pocket of existence
frozen in the center
colder than the stares of lost soul judgement
somehow penetrating through the deepest depths of what matters
into a shallow oasis of poserosity
i see them sketching things too big to see with their eyes
like being in the middle of a nebula you wouldn't know surrounds you
birthing bright beautiful stars from parts of itself
surrounding us
the dark sky gets brighter little by little and I spend my littlest moments
trying to radiate to the point of combustion
inferno becoming the room temperature
a true star
in these moments, I realize I'm actually just an asteroid-riding cum bubble that hit the right temperature rock
pure survival, but never satisfied with evolution's natural pace
pushing my limbs through cell walls and amphibious skin
my path is up to me, our path is up to us
but we need each other
tell your friends, these words are for you
-louis cole

the best live performance I've ever seen

current fixations